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The check engine light or service engine



The check engine light or service engine

Turning off the check engine light with an auto scan tool requires no 2x2 panel lights factory technical experience and is very easy to accomplish. This warning light was federally mandated by our government to notify the driver that the vehicle may be polluting the atmosphere. When you disconnect the vehicle battery you wipe out this memory and the computer returns to a default mode, which may make the vehicle run in a manner that you are not accustomed to. Most people don't realize that your vehicle computer adapts to your driving habits. Often you will find that this light is illuminated for a minor malfunction or even an intermittent problem.

The best way to handle the reset of the check engine light is to purchase an auto scan tool and clear the code without disturbing the battery connection. But there are many systems in your vehicle that require constant battery power. Every vehicle owner should learn how to reset the check engine light for this reason.

Why is your check engine light on? The check engine light or service engine soon light is directly connected to your car's computer and monitors the emission system. Your vehicle computer stores memory functions such as shift points, idle speed and throttle position for the primary driver. After the reset the check engine light procedure is performed if the light stays off you have just fixed car in less than 10 minutes. Today's new cars provide a challenge when trying to use this procedure.

Other complications that may arise from disconnecting battery power to your vehicle may include that the radio will not work after you reconnect the battery. Re-activating the radio can be a lot of trouble, and in most cases includes obtaining the code from the vehicle manufacturer to LED Panel Lights Factory reactivate the radio.

It is a very common problem today to have your check engine light pop on for little or no reason. When power is removed from the system.

Another common problem you may run into by disconnecting power from the vehicle is that many vehicles today have a factory installed alarm system.

The check engine light is all about the war on pollution, global warming and smog. One of the main problems with this emission system-monitoring device is that it is very sensitive. The problem with this is that the fastest way to reset the check engine light is to disconnect the battery.It used to be that resetting your check engine light was simple as disconnecting your battery. Automotive scan tools have really come down in price and make this the best way to approach the problem of resetting the check engine light.

When you disconnect the battery the radio thinks that it is being stolen. Most vehicles today have theft protected radio systems.This is why the first step in the solution to the problem is to clear the code and retest the vehicle to see if the light returns. The vehicle can go into a lockdown mode to prevent engine startup in case the vehicle is being stolen



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